Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Cara memainkan game online secara offline.Keren!

Cara memainkan game online secara offline - 
Trik cara memainkan game online secara offline di bertujuan agar biaya koneksi internet bisa dihemat. Coba anda bayangkan jika anda bermain game di warnet selama 3 jam, maka jika tarif 1 jam ngenet 3000, maka anda akan ditarik bayaran sebesar 9000. Beda jika anda punya komputer dirumah, dan memainkan game online tersebut dirumah, maka anda cuma akan kena biaya listrik saja. Prisip kerjanya sebenarnya hampir sama dengan mendownload game online tersebut, kemudian membuatnya agar bisa berjalan secara offline. Pingin tau caranya ? Simak terus artikel cara memainkan game online secara offline berikut.
  1. Buka salah satu game yang ingin di-download dari situs game flash online (misal dari :,, dan sebagainya),
  2. Copy alamat detail url
  3. Buka situs File2HD (
  4. Paste alamat detail URL game tadi di kolom yang telah disediakan di halaman File2HD, pilih  filter = Objects, kemudian Klik  Get Files.
Kalau filenya sudah tampil, lihat yang ber-ekstension SWF, download file tersebut dengan cara klik kanan –> save link as(mozilla) / save target as(Internet explorer).
Untuk menjalankan file swf Anda bisa menggunakan browser (yang telah ada plugin flash playernya), tetapi akan lebih baik kalau menggunakan  flash player khusus, misalkan menggunakan software gratis (free) SWFOpener yang bisa Anda download di ( dengan ukuran hanya sekitar 370KB
Mudah bukan caranya. Silahkan dicoba. Semoga bermanfaat bagi pengunjung semua, terima kasih

Free Hack the Game Hacking│Game PC

Posted Image
Kalo agan-agan merasa tertantang dengan game ini silahkan coba....!!!
HackThe Game hacking adalah sebuah game simulasi untuk menjadi seorang hacker. Sewaktu anda memainkan game ini anda akan memliki peran sebagai sorang hacker yang mengemban berbagai macam misi. Ketika saya mencoba memainkan game ini, ternyata lumayan sulit juga sob, kita diwajibkan untuk mengetahui sintak-sintak dos, seperi perintahping, cd, telnet, dll. (lebih bagus kalau agan-agan hapal) Hehehe

HackThe Game kalau menurut saya merupakan sebuah game yang layak untuk agan miliki, apalagi buat agan yang ingin menjadi hacker handal tapi bingung mau latian dimana, nah HackThe Game ini solusinya, karena menggunakan simulasi, jadi kaya beneran banget jadi hacker nya. (ada efek suaranya juga loh,,,) pokoknya keren abis deh sob.

HackThe Game juga mendukung bahasa Indonesia loh gan, jadi makin mudah aja untuk dipelajari dan dipahami. Untuk mengubahnya kedalam format bahsa Indonesia, pertama buka aplikasi HackThe Game nya, kemudian klik menu setting, lalu pilih language bahsa indonesia deh.

Restart HackThe Game nya untuk menjadi bahsa Indonesia.

Untuk mengetahui misi yang diberikan klik menu pesan masuk/inbox.

Untuk cara bermain, silahkan baca FAQS nya terlebih dahulu di bawah ini (biar nggak bingung)


HackTheGame hacking adalah sebuah simulasi permainan. Di dalamnya anda mengambil peran
seorang hacker yang berlangsung pada berbagai tugas. Selama ini tugas
Anda akan dapat menggunakan peralatan (hacking) alat.

Cobalah untuk menyelesaikan tugas sebanyak yang Anda bisa, tanpa kena traced

Anda menerima tugas anda melalui email. Membacanya dengan hati-hati,
contoh berisi alamat IP mesin Anda harus hack. saya
akan menjelaskan bagaimana Anda harus pergi tentang sisanya
Just remember these things:

- Setelah berhasil melakukan koneksi ke target host menggunakan Telnet, yang
target sistem akan mulai Backtrace Anda. Jangan biarkan mereka sepenuhnya dapat
jejak Anda karena ini akan membawa Anda ke penangkapan. Anda dapat melihat
jejak proses di pojok kiri bawah selama sesi Telnet.

Jika Anda berpikir Anda tidak akan menyelesaikan misi sebelum
jejak selesai, dengan cepat dan kembali memutuskan untuk mencoba kembali.

[b]- SANGAT PENTING:[/b] Anda selalu menghapus logfile sebelum memutuskan sambungan dari
sesi telnet. Logfiles yang tidak selalu di tempat yang sama, karena
setiap sistem adalah berbeda. Tapi biasanya dalam folder bernama "Log".
Mencari logfile ( dan DESTROY (lihat peralatan) itu.

- Jika Anda mendapatkan falit 3 kali permainan berakhir.

[b]The toolbar[/b]

Dalam permainan Anda memiliki berbagai alat yang Anda inginkan. Beberapa perangkat yang akan
dicuri harus di curi di sistem pertama.
Button Function
------ --------

[b]Kotak masuk:[/b] Ini adalah kotak masuk email Anda. Ini adalah di mana Anda baru menerima
tugas. baca email ini dengan baik,berisi banyak
informasi yang mungkin Anda butuhkan selama misi

[b]Ping:[/b] Setelah Anda membaca mail, Anda perlu memastikan apakah Ada
target yang online. Anda melakukannya dengan menggunakan tombol Ping. Masukkan
target dan ping alamat IP ini. Komputer Anda akan mencoba untuk
menghubungi remote komputer, dan akan memberitahukan jika ad yang

[b]Portscan:[/b] Dengan portscan Anda dapat memindai sebuah alamat IP untuk diverifikasi buka
exploitable port. Tekan tombol Portscan dan masukkan
alamat IP target, bersama dengan pemindaian jangkauan. Kisaran
harus antara 2000 dan 4000 (biasanya ini untuk memasukkan

[b]Telnet: [/b]Apabila Anda tahu alamat IP target DAN exploitable buka sebuah port,
Telnet dapat digunakan untuk melakukan koneksi ke sistem target

[b]Password:[/b] Dengan ini, Anda dapat hack password dari server dengan menggunakan hewan
kekerasan. Bila Anda terhubung ke telnet tetapi tidak tahu password, gunakan
perangkat ini

Virus ini di upload dan menginstall virus pada server. Anda perlu
dalam sesi telnet untuk menggunakan fungsi ini. Setelah itu upload
sepenuhnya hanya menutup jendela Virus, konsol akan automaticly
instal virus yang di-upload

[b]Dapatkan File:[/b] Ketika dalam sesi telnet, Anda dapat mengakses sistem target dengan menggunakan
dos perintah seperti DIR dan CD (lihat "Perintah Console"). Bila Anda menemukan
file yang akan disalin, klik Get File. Input nama file, dan
jika file tersebut ditemukan di folder aktif, ia akan mulai

File yang didownload ke Anda sendiri (virtual) harddisk. Semua Download
ditempatkan dalam folder bernama Downloads

Membunuh File: Untuk menghancurkan sebuah file cukup klik Kill file. Masukan nama file dan
akan merusak file, if it's ditemukan di folder aktif

[b]Console commands[/b]
PING (ip address)
Misalnya: ping

ping mengirimkan paket ke server. jika online, ia akan merespon. Ini
cara Anda dapat mengetahui apakah target online

Telnet (ip address) (port)
Sebagai contoh: telnet 21

ini Akan menyambung ke server pada port yang terbuka. Setelah masuk
Sistem login, Anda dapat mengakses sistem target

[b]DIR (atau LS)[/b]
Ini daftar semua file dari komputer remote. Contoh output adalah:
Windows (DIR)
Log (DIR)

Dimana "" dan "Io.sys" adalah file, dan "Windows" dan "Log" adalah

[b]CD (foldername)[/b]
[b]Sebagai contoh:[/b] cd Windows

Hal ini akan mengubah folder yang sedang Anda lihat. Setelah memberikan perintah ini anda dapat menggunakan
dengan perintah DIR untuk melihat file tersebut dalam folder

Untuk kembali ke akar dokumen digunakan perintah ini:
CD ..
CD \
CD ..
CD \

[b]MD (foldername) (atau mkdir)[/b]
Sebagai contoh: mk myfiles

Hal ini membuat folder baru di root dari file struktur. Anda tidak dapat membuat
folder lain dalam folder (yet)

[b]DEL filename> (atau RM)[/b]
Sebagai contoh: del

Mari kita ini Anda menghapus file di dalam folder aktif. Ini tidak dapat dibatalkan.

Hal ini menunjukkan antara lain alamat IP Anda sendiri

Ini membersihkan layar

Menyimpan saat itu permainan. Termasuk perubahan yang dibuat dalam
filesystem lokal. Yang menyimpan file-berlabel dengan menangani / loginname. Sehingga
jika anda memainkan permainan sebagai "soul stealer", Anda harus login waktu berikutnya dengan
nama sama "soul stealer"
Loads SAVED permainan terakhir ditemukan dengan loginname[b]HELP[/b]
menunjukan text[b]shutdown[/b]
Keluar permainan-------------------------------------
[b]Instalasi tool dari commandline[/b]
Setelah Anda men-download perangkat dengan mendownload perintah dari komputer remote dan
pergi secara offline, Anda dapat memasang alat pada sistem lokal Anda sendiri. Just menavigasi
download ke folder dan masukkan nama perangkat.
cd ..
cd downloadPortscannerW32.exe

 * tekan setelah memasukkan setiap perintah[/size]
Click Here For Download!

│Selamat Mencoba dan Bersenang - senang│

Cara Mudah Membuat Virus

Virus ? Mungkin kalau ada kata satu ini pasti disitulah ada yang namanya masalah. Teruatama pada komputer, kata tersebutsalalu berhubungan dengan yang namanya anti dan progammer handal. Namun, untuk memebuat virus anda tidak harus menjadi progammer yang telah mengerti 100% atau hampirlah semua. Yang anda butuhkan hanya "sedikit" ilmu tapi anda lebih kreatif.

Membuat virus sama halnya dengan jika anda ingin disebut sebagai hacker atau menjadi hacker anda harus memiliki ilmu meski "sedikit" yang penting bagaimana anda kreatif dalam memadukan ilmu yang anda dapat dengan keinginan anda.
Baiklah, sekarang kita kembali ke sasaran uatama yaitu membuat virus. Kali ini saya tidak akan memberikan "pelajaran" tentang bahasa pemrogrman tetapi saya akan memberitahu anda bagaimana cara MUDAHNYA membuat VIRUS.
Saya tidak memakai bahasa pemrograman dalam hal pembuatan virus ini. Yang anda butuhkan hanyalah sebuah aplikasi atau program atau software yang sering disebut dengan virus maker.
Berikut virus maker dan removal tool-nya yang bisa anda gunakan untuk membuat virus dengan cara mudah(paling cuama butuh waktu sekitar 10 menitan) :

program kecil yang bisa digunakan membuat virus menggunakan bahasa VB

Program kecil untuk iseng-iseng kerjaiin temen silahkan coba sendiri

program cara gampang membuat virus

Program kecil untuk mengembalikan regedit atau file yang terinfeksi virus

program yang satu ini berguna bagi yang pengen membuat antivirus sendiri

Menghilangkan Dan Menghapus Password RAR

Rar Password Recovery Magic 6.1.0



Rar Password Recovery Magic adalah alat yang dirancang untuk menghapus password rar atau menghilangkan password rar / WinRAR archives.Rar Password Recovery Magic mudah digunakan. Yang perlu Anda lakukan untuk mendapatkan kembali password Anda hanya untuk menambahkan file ke jendela operasi.
  • Recover password untuk rar / WinRAR archives.
  • karakter yang Anda gunakan untuk Custom “hewan-force” menyerang didukung.
  • Anda dapat memilih karakter dari berbagai karakter pilihan termasuk: Surat, Bilangan, lambang …
  • Besar wordlist kamus.
  • Kerja di latar belakang.
  • Fitur yang user-friendly interface.

Windows 7 ARC Gamer Edition [Ziddu]

Windows 7 ARC Gamer Edition | 1.85 Gb
ARC v/s Gamer edition:

Application Installed:
- 7-Zip
- Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
- Winrar
- Java
- Microangelo on display
-Acrobat Reader

Apa yang baru ?
*This modded OS is a fully unattended install!
*It has been streamlined & optimized for you, the user!
*All new system tweaks that will bring you a faster install!
*Quicker Boot Times!
*A snappy desktop!

Components Removed:

Character Map
Mobility Center
Speech Support
Welcome Center

Simplified Chinese
Table Driven Text Input Processor
Traditional Chinese
Welcome Center

Media Center

Error Reporting
Quality Windows Audio Video Experience

Natural Language
Reliability and Performance Monitor
Tablet PC

DEP (Data Execution Prevention) = Disabled (AlwaysOff)
User *** Control (UAC) = Disabled
AntiSpyware Realtime Protection = Disabled
AutoPlay = Enabled
Paging Executive = Disabled
Power scheme = High performance
Power button = Shutdown
Sleep button = Enabled
Control Panel – Classic View = Enabled
Show hidden files and folders = Yes
Show protected operating system files = No
Show extensions for known file types = Yes
IE Phishing Filter = Disabled
IE Phishing Verification Ballon Tips = Disabled

AXINSTSV = Disabled
ADPBRIT = Disabled
ALG = Disabled
BITDES = Disabled
BLUESVC = Disabled
BRANDC = Disabled
CREMANAG = Disabled
DPS = Disabled
DSH = Disabled
DSH = Disabled
DLTC = Disabled
EFS = Disabled
FAX = Disabled
FDPHOST = Disabled
HKMSVC = Disabled
HIDA = Disabled
ISD = Disabled
ICS = Disabled
IPHLPSVC = Disabled
LINKTDM = Disabled
MiSCSI = Disabled
NETPSS = Disabled
NETLOGON = Disabled
NAPA = Disabled
OFFLF = Disabled
PEERNRP = Disabled
PEERNG = Disabled
PEERNIM = Disabled
PNPIP = Disabled
PNRPSVC = Disabled
PDES = Disabled
REMOTDC = Disabled
REMOTEDS = Disabled
ROUTACC= Disabled
SCARDSVR = Disabled
SNMP = Disabled
WEVC = Disabled
WBIOSRVC = Disabled
WCARDSVC = Disabled
WCOLSYS = Disabled
WCONECT = Disabled
WINDEFEND = Disabled
WREMOTEM= Disabled
WSEARCH = Disabled
WINHTTPWP = Disabled

Programs and Features to right click
change wallpaper to right click
Task manager to right click
Take Ownership of any File or Directory
Show file extensions
“Command Prompt” when you right click a folder
“Device Manager” to the right click menu of “Computer”
“Services” to the right click menu of “Computer”
“Edit Registry” to the right click menu of “Computer”
“MSCONFIG” to the right click menu of “Computer”
Notepad as a Right Click Item
Disable Default Hidden Shares – This keeps Windows from creating the Admin$, C$, etc. shares (which are security holes) automatically on start-up.
Open any folder on your computer in a new window
All items have an “edit..” on right-click sending to notepad
Register / unregister to the context menu for .ocx files
Register / unregister to the context menu for .dll files
Right click option for unknown files (Open with notepad)
New CMD file to right click > New
Open NFO files with notepad
Restore previous folder windows at logon
Stops the ‘Welcome Center’ loading (for current user) when Windows starts
Disable User ***s Control (UAC)
Disable Automatic Updates (not the ability to update – just disables the automatic background updates and balloon tips)
‘Copy to Folder’ and ‘Move to Folder’ to right click
And Many more Tweaks

Jika sobat  menemukan Broken Link atau Link yang tidak bisa di akses atau di download, silahkan

Windows 7 Animeware Ultimate x86 [Filesonic]

Windows 7 Animeware Ultimate x86 | 984 Mb
Author : Prince NRVL
Architecture : x86 [ 32bit ]
Title : Windows 7 Animeware
Year : 2010

OS : Windows 7 Ultimate
Tested : tested on i7 and X2 for installation and bugs
Date : Sep - 18 - 2010

Registry tweaks:
- DreamScene Activated
- CommandPrompt here
- Take Ownership
- Run as Administrator
- Context menu tweaks added(many tweaks)
- Open with notepad
- Advanced user account activated
- Gadgets activated and lot more..

- 7 Zip 4.65
- CCleaner 2.3.3
- Microsoft Essentials
- Direct X 32 June
- Dream scene
- Enhance My Seven
- Flash Player Active X 10.1
- Flash Player plugin 10.1
- Foxit reader 4.0
- Java Runtime u20
- K-lite mega Codec Pack 6.20
- Nero Lite Micro 10
- Notepad
- Snow Panther
- Ultra ISO 9.3.6
- VLC player 1.1.0
- Yahoo Messenger 10
- Winrar 3.93
Download Here :
Jika sobat  menemukan Broken Link atau Link yang tidak bisa di akses atau di download, silahkan 

Game Maker Pro 8 Edition + Crack [Mediafire]

Game Maker Pro 8 Edition + Crack | 21.3 Mb
Game Maker offers an intuitive and easy to use drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create your own games very quickly. You can import and create images, sprites (animated images) and sounds and use them. Game Maker is bundled with a considerable collection of such resources to get you started.

You can easily define the objects in your game and indicate their behavior, and you can define appealing rooms (levels) in which the game takes place. If you want full control there is actually an easy-to-use programming language built into Game Maker that gives you full control over what is happening in your game.

You can create your own computer games quickly without the need to learn a programming language. Of course you should not expect to create your own Halo 4 or Virtua Tennis within a few weeks. But that is also not necessary.

The joy of playing a game is not related to its complexity. Simpler games, like Tetris, Bejeweled, Space Invaders, etc. are a lot of fun to play and a lot easier to create.

Game Maker focuses on two-dimensional games. So it is not meant to create 3D worlds like Quake, even though there is some limited functionality for 3D graphics. But don't let this put you down. Many great games use two-dimensional sprite technology, even though they look very 3-dimensional. And designing two-dimensional games is a lot easier and faster.

Game Maker is a software application written by Mark Overmars in the Delphi programming language. Overmars released the original version on November 15, 1999. Game Maker comes in two editions, the Lite Edition and the Pro Edition.

The Lite Edition is meant for those that take their first steps on the path of developing games. It can be used for free but is limited in its functionality. Also it shows a popup logo when running games and will regularly remind you of upgrading the program. When you are using Game Maker regularly you are strongly recommended to upgrade it to the Pro Edition.

The Pro Edition contains considerably more functionality and does not display any logos or popup messages.

The Pro Edition has the following additional functionality:
> No Game Maker logo is shown when running a game.
> No regular popups remind you of upgrading.
> You can use rotated, color blended and translucent sprites.
> There are additional options in the sprite and image editors.
> There are additional actions for e.g. CD music, rotated text, and colorized shapes.
> You can use special sound effects and positional sound.
> You can create splash screens with movies, images, webpages, texts, etc.
> There is a particle system to create explosions, fireworks, flames, rain, and other effects.
> A number of advanced drawing functions are available, for example colorized text and textured polygons.
> It is possible to create 3D games using functions for 3D graphics.
> It is possible to create multiplayer games that can be played over a network.
> You can define your own room transitions.
> You can use functions to create, load, and modify resources (sprites, backgrounds, etc.) while the game is running.
> There is a collection of functions to create and use data structures.
> There are functions for motion planning.
> You get the possibility to include additional files in the game executables that can be used when the game is run.
>The Pro Edition can easily be extended using extension package. These can be made by everybody and will in general be provided free of charge.
> Three such extension packages are included adding many room transitions, windows dialogs, and printing facilities.
> You can define your own trigger events.
> You can export and import resources, which makes it easier to collaborate on games.

Game Maker requires a resonably modern PC running Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, or later. A DirectX 8 (or later) compatible graphics card with at least 32MB of memory is required for most created games. It requires a screen resolution of at least 800x600 and 65000 (16-bit) colors (preferably full color). Also a DirectX 8 compatible sound card is required.

Make sure you have the most recent drivers installed. Game Maker requires DirectX version 8.0 or later to be installed on your computer.

Penjelasan Indonesia :

Disini Anda dapat membuat game dengan mudah, tanpa Anda harus menguasai pemrograman dan teknik animasi gambar, karena yang Anda hanya lakukan adalah memasukan sprites (gambar - gambar karakter) atau Background, suara, dan tata cara bermainnya.

Download Here :
Jika sobat  menemukan Broken Link atau Link yang tidak bisa di akses atau di download, silahkan 

Free YouTube Downloader Version 2.7

From Cnet, review:
This simple freeware application works pretty well, given how basic the interface is. It has two main features: to download FLV files from YouTube, and to convert them to most major formats. If there's a YouTube URL in your clipboard, it will automatically paste it for you when you click on the dialog box. From there, just hit OK and the downloading will commence. One more left-click is all it takes to load the file in the converter, which supports iPhone, iPod, PSP, cell phone, AVI, MP3, WMV, and Xvid. Surprisingly, there's also a basic video editor for cropping videos by time stamp. You can also cut out the sound when converting.

This is one of the lightest editors around, but the simplistic interface belies its functionality and it performs exactly as advertised. We'd like to see support in future editions for hunting down missing codecs, and version 2.1.5 and earlier won't work because of embed code changes on YouTube itself. Still, the YouTube Downloader is proof that not only is video-making accessible to everyone, so is video downloading and editing.

From Biennesoft:

It's software that allows you to download videos from YouTube, including HD and HQ videos, Facebook, Vevo, and many other sites and convert them to other video formats. The program is easy to use, just specify the URL for the video you want to download and click the Ok. It also allows you to convert downloaded videos for iPod, iPhone, PSP, Cell Phone, Windows Media, XVid and MP3. Allows you to access YouTube videos for which you need to be 18+ years of age. Now, plays videos downloaded.

What's new in this version: Version 2.7 fixes downloading from Facebook and other sites, adds support for downloading additional HQ formats from YouTube, and improves video conversion (and still fixes downloading video from YouTube after their December 8 update).
Download Free YouTube Downloader Version 2.7:

ScreenShot YouTube Downloader Version 2.7
Free YouTube Downloader Version 2.7

Download Avast Free Antivirus Version 6.0

The bottom line: After the last version's radical new interface that brought this security stalwart into a visual comparison with its competitors, Avast looks to the future with version 6's edgy improvements.
Avast made great strides in its previous update. Version 5 set the stage for the modern, massively popular, and free security suite with a new interface that ditched a quirky, late-'90s jukebox style for a more polished look. Easier to navigate, it also became easier to add new features.

Make no mistake
: Avast 6 adds features both big and small. Some that had previously only been available to paid upgrade users are now free for all versions, and newer features have been seamlessly added to the interface experience. If you're familiar with Avast 5, upgrading to Avast 6 won't be that big of a leap.


Installing Avast is a painless process that compares well against its free competitors like AVG, although--like those competitors--it's much slower than installing paid programs like Trend Micro, Kaspersky, or Norton.

Some items of note during the installation that will come up later in the review: to completely avoid the new Windows 7 and Vista desktop gadget, or the new WebRep browser add-on, you must choose the Custom install option and uncheck those here.

Automatic installation of these features is frowned upon, although Avast does provide a clear method for uninstalling them. It's just not as simple as a check box that gets its own installation window, since you have to go through the Customize menu, which makes the auto-install sort of surreptitious.

On the plus side, installing Avast doesn't require a reboot, and using its uninstall tool we detected no remnants in the Registry or on the desktop. Avast has said that the installer has shrunk for all three versions by about 20 percent, although it's still a large download at around 57MB for the free version.

Avast 6's interface is virtually identical to the previous version's. Perhaps the most major change, aside from a slight lightening of the gray in the color scheme, is the removal of the Windows Explorer-style forward and backward buttons. We actually liked those, since they made it easy to return to a previous pane, no matter how deeply into the settings you had explored.

The only other change is the addition of the Additional Protection tab to the left nav area, which hosts the new AutoSandbox and WebRep feature controls.

For users new to Avast, the sleek user interface is a change that came at the end of 2009. The gray-and-orange color scheme stands out well on the screen, and the tab-based navigation on the left makes it easy to navigate between features. Highlighted with the familiar security colors of green for safe and red for dangerous, the Summary tab gives up-to-date info on shield status, auto-updates, virus definitions, the program version, and whether the silent/gaming mode is on. There's also an unobtrusive ad urging you to upgrade to Avast Internet Security 6.

The Summary tab contains a second submenu, Statistics. If you're curious to see how Avast's shields have been performing against threats, here's where you can get your math geek on. For each shield, it tells you how many files were scanned and when, and presents the data in a concise graph.

Download Avast Free Antivirus Version 6.0

Screenshot Avast Free Antivirus Version 6.0

Download ESET NOD32 On-Demand Scanner Portable

Antivirus protection is spelled NOD32. Built on the award-winning ThreatSense engine, ESET NOD32 Antivirus software proactively detects and eliminates more viruses, trojans, worms, adware, spyware, phishing, rootkits and other Internet threats than any program available. No matter what your system, there is no better antivirus protection. ESET NOD32 Antivirus was awarded the "BEST Antivirus Solution” in 2006 and 2007 by AV-Comparatives. Compare antivirus solutions here to learn more, or check out the latest Virus Bulletin.

ESET NOD32 Antivirus provides:
Proactive Protection: The award winning ThreatSense technology combines multiple layers of detection protecting you from Internet threats before it is too late.
Precise Detection: ESET accurately identifies known and unknown threats. It consistently wins top awards from testing labs and is recognized for having zero false positives.

Lightweight Design: Requires less memory and CPU power, allowing your computer to run fast, making more room for games, web browsing, and emailing.
Fast Scanning Speeds: Highly efficient program ensuring fast file scanning and product updates. It runs quietly in the background.

Download ESET NOD32 On-Demand Scanner Portable

Download now ESET NOD32 On-Demand Scanner(HERE) (17.03.2011) 5963 Portable | 17.97 Mb

Membuka RAR BerPassword Dengan Cepat

Anda punya file RAR berpassword yang tak bisa di buka..??
Tidak tahu passwordnya..??

RAR File Open Knife 1.00

Membuka File RAR dengan cepat....

Download :
Click Here

Tutor :
~. Install RAR File Open Knife
~. Ntar klo uda siap.. Jalankan Program nya..
~. Sesudah itu ntar ada gambar Pisau truz ada tulisan "Unrar"
~. Klik "Unrar"
~. Pilih file yang ingin di buka~. Selesai dah.. No spyware

No adware

No viruses

Sahabat Andra